foreign ministers from ukraine and morocco meet in rabat

Foreign ministers from Ukraine and Morocco meet in Rabat

The meeting between Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita and his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba, which took place on Monday in Rabat, is a step towards increasing the level of bilateral collaboration. It was the first time that a foreign minister from Ukraine has been to Morocco in the thirty years since diplomatic relations were established between the two nations.

During a news conference, Bourita highlighted the historically strong ties between Morocco and Ukraine, highlighting the firm friendship and constructive cooperation that have characterized their relationship over the years. He also emphasized the historical significance of the ties. In light of the fact that the visit is taking place against the background of the current conflict in Ukraine, Morocco has underlined its support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of UN member states.

Bourita reaffirmed Morocco’s view that it is not actively participating in the war, but he emphasized Morocco’s worry about the impact the conflict will have on regional and international security and stability. In addition, he expressed his support for efforts being made to find a peaceful solution to the crisis that has been unfolding in Ukraine, and he urged those involved to take a targeted approach so as not to further complicate the situation.

Both ministers concurred that coordination between their respective countries should be strengthened, with a fresh focus placed on political discussion and economic collaboration. The predicament of Moroccan students studying in Ukraine was a primary topic of conversation, and Kuleba gave his word that the Ukrainian government will make every effort to resolve any problems encountered by the students and have classes back in session as soon as possible.

In addition, the Moroccan and Ukrainian authorities looked at methods to speed up the process of reestablishing Moroccan diplomatic representation in Kyiv. To kick off his journey through Africa, Kuleba underlined the long-standing and mutually beneficial relations that exist between Ukraine and Morocco.

He reaffirmed his commitment to working toward the development of tighter ties between the two nations, as well as the facilitation of trade, the promotion of tourism, and the encouragement of educational exchanges. The ministers got together to talk about regional concerns, during which they acknowledged the potential of Morocco as a gateway to Africa as well as the prospects that this brings.

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Kuleba extended his appreciation to the Moroccan students who had attended universities in Ukraine and stated that he hoped to see them again in the future. He also encouraged Moroccan students to consider attending universities in Ukraine. Kuleba and Bourita have come to an agreement to hold dialogues on visa and trade facilitation in order to make commerce and communication between people easier. Their overarching goal is to improve exchange and collaboration across a variety of domains.

Kuleba conveyed his heartfelt gratitude to Morocco for their support on the international stage, particularly at the General Assembly of the United Nations. He lauded the decisive role that Morocco played in voting in favor of measures that tried to restore peace in Ukraine.

In spite of the fact that the conflict was still going on, the ministers met to review the various peace options and agreed that a more targeted strategy was required. The Ukraine proposed a ten-point peace plan that addressed issues relating to security, nuclear concerns, humanitarian concerns, environmental concerns, and aspects of rehabilitation.

The safety of the food supply was also identified as a major issue, and both ministers reaffirmed their dedication to discovering workable solutions. The integrity of the territory and safety in the surrounding region were two of the primary themes of conversation. Kuleba emphasized the importance of Ukraine maintaining its territorial integrity and voiced his support for the work being done by the personal envoy for Western Sahara appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General.

According to the minister, Ukraine believes that Morocco’s proposed autonomy plan is a solid foundation for resolving the Sahara issue. Kuleba and his Moroccan counterpart signed a memorandum of understanding and collaboration between the Moroccan Diplomatic Academy and the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine. Through participation in this exchange program, diplomats from both countries will have the opportunity to better understand the other nation’s foreign policy, particularly as it relates to Africa.