
Ghana No Nominations for the 19th Africa Movie Academy Awards

Last updated on October 19th, 2023 at 03:28 pm

In the glittering world of African cinema, the Africa Movie Academy Awards have stood as a testament to talent, creativity, and storytelling for 19 remarkable years. But this year, as the red carpets roll out and the nominations are announced, a cloud of discontent hovers over Ghana’s film fraternity.

A pre-event soirée at Accra’s Ibis Style Hotel set the stage for a candid and heartfelt lament. Kofi Adjorlolo, a veteran actor with a legacy etched in Ghana’s cinematic history, didn’t mince his words. His disappointment was palpable. Not a single Ghanaian film secured a coveted nomination for the prestigious continental film awards, a fact that has left him disheartened.

Ghana, No Entry?

“I’m not happy. It doesn’t make me happy. And actually, I should be ashamed,” Adjorlolo said, the weight of his words echoing through the room. In his view, this absence of recognition was a reflection of the faltering quality of Ghana’s cinematic creations.

For him, the heart of the issue lies in the struggles of the emerging generation of filmmakers. He acknowledged their passion and vision but bemoaned their financial constraints. Producing high-caliber films demands resources, and it appears that the young producers are grappling with financial limitations that hinder them from producing works that can stand on the international stage.

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“Like I said, these young producers, they don’t have money to even produce quality movies. Movie making is money, they don’t have it, so we don’t have any good movie, and it’s true. If they’re telling us, then it’s a shame,” Adjorlolo emphasized, his voice echoing the frustration of an industry veteran who longs to see Ghanaian cinema shine on the continental stage.

This candid critique underscores the need for investment and support in Ghana’s film sector. It’s a call to action, a plea for the nurturing of talent and the provision of resources to elevate the standard of Ghanaian cinema. As the 19th Africa Movie Academy Awards take center stage, Ghana’s filmmakers are faced with the challenge of stepping up their game and producing cinema that can captivate and compete on the grand continental stage.