Kenyan Airlines,direct flights to Somalia

Kenyan Airlines has restored direct flights to Somalia

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 07:58 am

Kenya lifted a ban on direct flights from Somalia on Thursday, ending a month-long standoff that saw air transport between the two countries halted.

Kenya has “took full notice of intercessions made and has decided to reopen Kenya’s airspace to all flights originating from Somalia and departing from Kenya to Somalia,” according to its Foreign Minister. 

In recent months, diplomatic relations between Kenya and Somalia have deteriorated, with the latter accusing Kenya of meddling in its internal political matters. Somalia asked all of its diplomats in Kenya to leave within seven days, while Kenyan diplomats were given the same deadline.

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President Farmajo’s primary rival, Jubbaland state governor Ahmed Madobe, has received support from Somalia’s Southern neighbor.

A maritime boundary is also a point of contention between the two countries. The International Court of Justice is hearing the case.