Kenyans Blame Uhuru for Country’s Poor Direction – Infotrak

President Uhuru Kenyatta has been blamed for the wrong direction the country is taking.

The findings in an Infotrak poll conducted by Infotrak Research and Consulting between June 22-23 say some 26 per cent of Kenyans point an accusatory finger at Uhuru.

But Jubilee is still the most popular party, followed by ODM.The poll sample size of 1,048 respondents covered 24 counties.

Key reasons why Kenyans think the country is headed in the wrong direction are the high cost of living, corruption and unemployment.

Most Kenyans lost hope in the unity deal between Uhuru and Opposition leader Raila Odinga dubbed the Handshake.

This is also reflected in the 44 per cent who said the Opposition is not performing its role. They seem better off than the 31 per cent who said there is no Opposition.