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south africa initiates phase 3 clinical trail of chinas sinovac vaccine inoculates 2000 children

South Africa initiates Phase 3 clinical trail of…

On Friday, South Africa joined the global ongoing phase 3 clinical trial of China’s Sinovac Biotech Covid-19 vaccine. The clinical trial id for ages 6 months to 17 years. The African country has vaccinated first…

tigray forces have been accused of mass murde

Tigray Forces have Been Accused of Mass Murder

Local Ethiopian officials claimed on Wednesday that Tigray forces have killed over 120 civilians in recent days as a result of battlefield losses, in what would be one of the deadliest massacres of Ethiopia's 10-month…

ethiopia says tigrayan forces defeated in afar

Ethiopia says Tigrayan Forces Defeated in Afar

Ethiopia, on Thursday, said rebellious forces from the troubled Tigray region had been defeated in the neighbouring Afar region and had withdrawn. The Tigrayan forces, on the other hand, said they had just shifted troops…

guinea has been suspended by ecowas following a coup.

Guinea Has Been Suspended by ECOWAS Following a…

Following a recent coup in Guinea, the West African bloc ECOWAS has decided to suspend the country, according to Burkinabe Foreign Minister Alpha Barry. Barry told reporters in Burkina Faso's capital, Ouagadougou, that the Economic…

a tunisian wounded in the arab spring sets fire to himself hefiane

A Tunisian wounded in the Arab Spring sets…

After the government failed to compensate a young man injured in Tunisia's 2011 revolution, he burned himself alive. The self-immolation of 26-year-old Neji Hefiane harkens back to the death of Mohamed Bouazizi, a street vendor…

The Guinean military claims the President has been seized

The Guinean military claims the president has been…

In a video supplied to an AFP correspondent on Sunday, Guinea's special forces claimed to have arrested President Alpha Conde and "dissolved" the country's institutions, while the defense ministry stated it had repelled their attack…

Tigrayan forces loot aid warehouses in Ethiopia

US agency accuses Tigrayan forces of looting aid…

Forces from Ethiopia's Tigray region looted warehouses, in recent weeks, belonging to a US humanitarian agency in the Amhara region - said USAID's mission director, Sean Jones, in Ethiopia on Tuesday. “Rebels in the war-torn…

Boko Haram fighters Surrender

In Nigeria, thousands of Boko Haram fighters have…

The Nigerian military claims that approximately 6,000 Boko Haram members have surrendered to authorities in the previous several weeks, including commanders, fighters, and their families. Hundreds of Boko Haram members have reportedly surrendered in Cameroon.…

social media about humanrights

Preserve content of rights abuses in Afghanistan: Human…

Leading human rights groups, including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Access Now, Mnemonic have called on social media platforms to preserve and archive all content relevant to provide evidence of incidents of human rights abuses…