
Liberia: Notable Trial of Civil War Rebel Leader Begins

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:12 am

The trial of civil war rebel has begun in a court Switzerland court, the name of the rebel leader is Alieu Kosiah, he’s being interrogated for his involvement in the Liberian civil war which resulted to the death of many.

Imprisoned since 14 November 2014, the 45-year-old Alieu Kosiah showed up under the steady gaze of the Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona joined by his court-named attorney Dimitri Gianola.

Despite the fact that the procedures are not in secret, the quantity of seats in the court is very restricted considering the Covid-19 pandemic.

Addressed by the leader of the court Jean-Luc Bacher, Kosiah — who is the main individual to be pursued for atrocities by a common court, focused on that he had been in jail “for a very long time and a month” and denied all the charges brought against him.

There has been many war crimes in Africa, particularly during the time of colonization by European countries. During the civil war in Liberia many citizens were killed, the outcome of the Trial is yet to be known.