Somalia President Farmaajo

National Salvation Forum Accuses Farmajo Army Negligence

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:00 am

According to casimada Online, BadbaadoQaran (National Salvation Forum) has issued a statement onAlshabab’s attack on national armybases in Awdhiigle and Barire. NSF accused the late President Farmajo of neglecting the national army and praised the national army for defending itself against the Al-Shabaab attack.

The statement said, “The Somali National Security Forum commends the bravery of the Somali National Army in repelling the Al Shabaab terrorist attack on their bases in Aw-Dheegle and Bariirre areas of Lower Shabelle region. NSF extends its condolences to the families of the CXD heroes who were martyred in the attack and wishes a speedy recovery to the officers and other soldiers injured in the attack. ”

The fighting was fierce between Al-Shabaab and government forces and there are reports of casualties on both sides.

The forum’s statement condemned the fighting and accused the outgoing president of not giving priority to the army. It is also clear that he has deployed most of his troops to Mogadishu to suppress dissenting politicians. “Many troops, weapons and other anti-terrorism equipment have been transferred to Gedo region, fueling civil strife in the area, which has resulted in much bloodshed.”

“National Salvation Forum also accuses the outgoing president of failing to fulfill his mandate of the Somali National Intelligence Service, which was tasked with providing information on Al Shabaab activities. Instead, it has been monitoring the activities of opposition politicians and the country’s elections. “NISA’s negligence has given terrorists the opportunity to attack troops on the battlefield or to carry out suicide bombings in Mogadishu.”

Finally, the forum called for the immediate deployment of reinforcements, weapons and logistics to the forces in today’s attacked bases and other vulnerable positions, in order to be able to defend themselves and the civilian population from the enemies of the Somali people who are terrorists. Al Shabaab, ”the statement concluded.