NEWS: More Mass Graves Found In Libya

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:03 am

Multiple mass grave has been found in Libya, in addition to this the forensic agency discovered 10 bodies in the mass graves. This is a major concern for the government authorities in the country as multiple mass graves has been found in the past.

Three bodies were blindfolded and their wrists bound,” the GNA’s inside service said in a Facebook post on the most recent terrible find at Tarhuna, 80 kilometers (50 miles) southeast of Tripoli.

The United Nations had voiced “loathsomeness” when the mass graves were first found last June. From that point forward in excess of 120 bodies have been uncovered there, including ladies and youngsters, following the most recent finds.

The disclosure last June came a day after the withdrawal of powers faithful to eastern Libyan strongman Khalifa Haftar from the town.