Protesters in Sudan,demand that the government quit,IMF-backed reforms

Protesters in Sudan demand that the government quit over IMF-backed reforms

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 07:57 am

Hundreds of protesters flocked to the streets across Sudan on Wednesday to demand the government’s resignation. The austerity measures implemented as part of reforms sponsored by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are the source of this concern.

Some of the slogans heard among Khartoum demonstrators included “No to international financial institutions’ policies” and “The people want the fall of the regime.”

These protests take place less than 24 hours after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced the delivery of enormous economic help for Sudan, including a $50 billion debt reduction package that covers about 90% of the country’s entire debt.

Popular unhappiness has been visible for several months, and it has only grown after fuel subsidies were removed in early June, doubling the price of diesel and gasoline.

Hundreds of demonstrators torched tires in front of the presidential palace in Khartoum, holding signs that said “Bread for the Poor,” before police used tear gas to disperse them. Demonstrators attempting to enter Khartoum were also dispersed in Ummdurman, the capital’s twin city.

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Hundreds of people flocked to the streets in Kassala (east) to seek justice for those killed during the April 2019 popular demonstrations that toppled former autocratic leader Omar al-Bashir.

Protesters chanted, “Blood for blood, we will not accept compensation.” Sudan has been governed by a civil-military transitional administration since August 2019. This one is dedicated to rebuilding the country’s economy, which has been in shambles over the past 30 years due to mismanagement, internal wars, and international sanctions imposed by Bashir.

Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok hailed the Sudanese people’s “patience” and “endurance” in an address broadcast on national television on Wednesday following the IMF announcement.

He stated, “We are on the right track.” Authorities confirmed the arrest of 79 people suspected of having ties to Bashir and preparing violent activities ahead of the protests. The anniversary of the coup that brought the former tyrant to power in 1989 is also on Wednesday.