President farmajo

Somalia; Farmajo’s Forces deployment in Gedo region hampers talks

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:00 am

Reports from Gedo region say that the interim Somali government has deployed heavy weapons in Dolow district of Gedo region, at a time when there is drought and water shortage and conflict between Jubaland and the central government over control of the region. .

The outgoing government and the Jubaland administration are at loggerheads over the Gedo region. There have been several clashes between Somali and Jubaland forces, which have escalated tensions between the two sides.

The troops, a specially trained military force from Gor-Gor, were reportedly deployed to Gedo on the orders of illegitimate president Farmajo, whose term expired last month. This is fueling tensions between the government and Jubaland as talks are underway to resolve the dispute over electoral issues.

READMORE: US Secretary of State J. Blinken has called on the Somali government to hold immediate election

The deployment comes at a time when relations between Somalia and Kenya are deteriorating as well.

It was not the first and the second time the government send troops to the region, but many former soldiers have sent to the region.  While the current selection of the electoral committee in the region is unsolved.

Meanwhile, the Jubaland administration has issued a statement regarding the deployment of troops in the region. A statement from the Jubbaland administration spoke about the Somali military forces, weapons and military vehicles deployed by the federal government yesterday in Gedo region.

Jubbaland described it as unfortunate that the Gedo region is in a humanitarian situation and that the federal government is expected to deploy aid and instead deploy troops and weapons. As a result of the offensive and the deployment of troops in Gedo region will be the responsibility of the outgoing President Farmajo.