Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and

Ukraine’s expansion of ties with Qatar can cost…

On Monday Ukraine and Qatar signed a series of bilateral agreements, marking the cementing of their ties. The multiple deals, which were produced based on the mutual interests of both the nations, got formalised following…


Qatar: Domestic Laborers Share Nerve Racking Records Of…

Another report by Amnesty International uncovers how traveler homegrown specialists utilized in Qatar have been pushed to limit by outrageous exhaust, absence of rest, and damaging and corrupting treatment. The association addressed 105 ladies who…

Somali intelligence officers receiving training in Qatar – report

Fahad Yasin and others receiving secret training in…

Reliable sources have confirmed to KnowAfrika that the Government of Qatar has begun education Somalia’s National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) forces. According to the sources, about 14 NISA officers from 4 special devices have…

Qatar’s deputy spy chief pays secret visit to Somalia

Qatar’s deputy spy chief pays secret visit to…

Reliable sources have instructed Somaliaffairs that the deputy director of Qatar’s intelligence agency, Abdallah Mohamed Mubarak Salah al-Khalifi, arrived in Mogadishu the day prior to this (29 September). The highly-trained Somali Gaashaan (Shield) Force took…

Somalia Must Save Itself from Qatar

Somalia Must Save Itself from Yasin, Al-Shabaab and…

Qatari have an effect on and Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo's over-reliance on Doha have reversed years of safety progress. by Abdullahi Mohamed Ali Somalis, each at home and abroad, have been confident when Mohamed…

Fear rises for imprisoned Qatari royal in the…

Pressure is mounting over the case of QatariSheikh Talal Al Thani – the grandson of the founder of the gas-rich nation – after his wife, Asma Arian, submitted an 11th-hour plea for his release at the United Nations Human Rights Council on…

Are there extremists that Qatar does not fund?

Are there terrorist group that Qatar does not…

Qatar’s funding of extremists, in the Arab world and beyond, is no secret to most residents of the Middle East. Yet, in the past week, new important points of Doha’s murky dealings overseas have emerged.…