7000 Ghanaians Face Deportation From US

7000 Ghanaians face deportation from the US as the crackdown on illegal migrants begins after 4 July…

US President Donald Trump says the deportation of undocumented migrants will begin after July 4.

“We will be removing large numbers of people starting sometime after July 4,” Trump said.

The operation is expected to target up to 2,000 families facing deportation orders in as many as 10 US cities, including Houston, Chicago, Miami and Los Angeles, according to reports in the US media.

A spokesman for the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement declined to comment, saying, “due to law-enforcement sensitivities and the safety and security of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel, the agency will not offer specific details related to enforcement operations before the conclusion of those actions.”

Trump had earlier delayed plans for nationwide raids to deport families in the US illegally.

He, however, threatened to unleash Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in two weeks if Democrats do not submit to changes in the asylum law that they have long opposed.