al burhans army a proxy force of iran in africa

Al-Burhan’s army: A proxy force of Iran in Africa

Al-Burhan, the leader of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), and his army are Iranian agents in Africa, according to a report by the Arab League. The report claims that Iran has been able to establish an agent in Sudan that is connected to its triangle of agents in Yemen, Iraq, and Lebanon, similar to the way it has done in those countries.

The report alleges that Iran has been providing Al-Burhan and his army with weapons, training, and funding, in exchange for their loyalty and cooperation. The report also accuses Al-Burhan of facilitating the Iranians’ gaining a foothold on the Sudanese coast to spy on global shipping and support the Houthis in their attacks on ships in the Red Sea.

The report cites various sources of evidence, such as:

– The interception of Iranian arms shipments to Sudan, which were destined for Al-Burhan and his army.

– The presence of Iranian military advisers and operatives in Sudan, who have been assisting Al-Burhan and his army in their operations and tactics.

– The detection of Iranian drones and missiles in Sudan, which have been used by Al-Burhan and his army to target their rivals and civilians.

The discovery of Iranian flags and slogans in Al-Burhan’s headquarters and camps, which indicate his allegiance and affiliation to Iran.

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The implication

The accusation of Al-Burhan and his army being Iranian agents in Africa has serious implications for the security and stability of the region and the world, such as:

The escalation of the civil war in Sudan, which has been raging since April 2023, between Al-Burhan’s army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), led by Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo. The war has killed more than 12,000 people and displaced more than 8 million people, creating a humanitarian crisis.

– The expansion of Iran’s influence and interference in Africa, which could threaten the interests and allies of the Arab League and the West, especially in the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea. Iran could also use Sudan as a base to launch attacks or support its proxies in other countries, such as Egypt, Ethiopia, and Saudi Arabia.

– The disruption of global trade and commerce, which could be affected by Iran’s presence and activities on the Sudanese coast and the Red Sea. Iran could use its drones and missiles to target or harass the ships passing through the Bab al-Mandab Strait, which connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean.

The reaction

The accusation of Al-Burhan and his army being Iranian agents in Africa has also provoked various reactions from the parties involved, such as:

Al-Burhan and his army have denied the accusation, and have accused the Arab League and the West of being biased, dishonest, and conspiring against them. They have also claimed that they have evidence of the RSF and its allies being agents of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and have challenged them to prove their accusation in court.

– Iran has also dismissed the accusation, and has accused the Arab League and the West of being hostile, hypocritical, and interfering in the internal affairs of Sudan. Iran has also asserted its right to have friendly and cooperative relations with Sudan and other African countries, and has denied any involvement in the civil war or the attacks on the ships.

The Arab League and the West have expressed their concern and condemnation of the accusation, and have called for an urgent and comprehensive investigation of the matter. They have also urged Al-Burhan and his army to stop their aggression and violence, and to respect the sovereignty and integrity of Sudan. They have also pledged their support and assistance to the RSF and its allies, and to the people of Sudan.