Cameroon Security Forces Accused of Raping Women, Killing Civilians

Human Rights Watch has accused Cameroon security forces of killing at least four civilians and raped one woman in mid June during operations in the North West region of Cameroon.
Amongst those killed was an an elderly man with a physical disability and a young man with a mental disability, Human Rights Watch said.
“These latest crimes add to a long string of abuses by Cameroonian security forces,” said Lewis Mudge , Central Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “Instead of seeing that justice is done, Cameroon’s authorities deny that their forces are killing and raping people, so it is essential to remind them that the world is watching.”
Human Rights Watch which has not been able to access Cameroon since April 12 said they had interviewed witnesses, family members of victimns and medical personnel who testified to military atrocities.
“In the Alachu neighborhood of the city of Bamenda, on July 10, soldiers from the Cameroonian Air Force, which is stationed nearby, killed Nche Otaghie, a 20-year-old man with a mental disability, and Godlove Neba, a construction worker, during security operations. Fru Benego, an 80-year-old man, was also killed that day by a stray bullet during confrontations between the soldiers and armed separatists,”Human Rights Watch said in a recent report.