kinshasa plans to renovate its zoo which opened decades ago

Kinshasa plans to renovate its zoo, which opened…

It's time for a much-needed renovation at Kinshasa's zoological garden. The Congolese government has vowed to repair the place where families and students gather eight decades after it was initially opened. At the Kinshasa zoological…

file photo: people gather in support of a coup that ousted president roch kabore, in ouagadougou,

Why Has Burkina Faso Opted For Military Coup?

Burkina Faso - The junta leader in Burkina Faso has come in the limelight of media and made a formal statement that the country will return to constitutional order when conditions are right. The military…

gambia senegale politics military

In the Gambia, nine Senegalese soldiers have gone…

The Senegalese army said on Tuesday that nine Senegalese soldiers from the West African mission in Gambia had been missing since Monday and are thought to be held captive by Casamance insurgents following fighting during…

nigeria lifts ban on twitter after seven months suspension

Nigeria lifts ban on Twitter after seven months…

Nigeria - The Nigerian government recently lifted the ban on Twitter. The government informed the news on Wednesday. The ban was lifted after seven months after Twitter agreed to comply with all conditions set by…

mali unsc warns of endless cycle of instability

Mali: UNSC Warns Of ‘Endless Cycle Of Instability’

Mali - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General of Mali, El-Ghassim Wane told the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Tuesday that a decade after civil conflict erupted in Mali, aspirations for an early settlement…

zandile mafe

A fire suspect in South Africa has been…

South Africa - In South Africa, the prime suspect in the early January fire at Parliament was charged with terrorism on Tuesday. Zandile Mafe, 49, appeared in court for the second time since being arrested…

protesters in sudan have rejected un led talks with the military

Protesters in Sudan have rejected UN-led talks with…

Sudan - On Sunday, a key Sudanese protest group rejected a UN proposal to undertake negotiations with the military to restore the country's democratic transition after an October coup. Sudan's political impasse and unending street…

ecowas hits mali with severe sanctions over the delay of elections

ECOWAS Hits Mali With Severe Sanctions Over The…

Mali - West Africa’s main regional bloc ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) will close their borders with Mali. The members of ECOWAS will also impose economic sanctions on Mali over the delay of…

gabon and ghana have joined the powerful un security council

Gabon and Ghana have joined the powerful UN…

Gabon - Albania, Brazil, Gabon, Ghana, and the United Arab Emirates joined the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday, formally taking up positions won in a June election. Gabon, Ghana, and the UAE have each…

south africa mourns the death of an anti apartheid icon desmond tutu

South Africa mourns the death of an anti-apartheid…

President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa has praised Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa as a man of "great intellect, integrity, and invincibility against the forces of apartheid." Tutu's death was reported on Sunday, December…

at least six people were killed in a suicide bombing in beni on christmas day in the congo

At least six people were killed in a…

Congo - Officials and AFP reported that a bomb blast killed at least six people in the eastern city of Beni in the Democratic Republic of Congo on Saturday. The bomb went off in the…

aptopix senegal protests

In the midst of protests in Darkar, Senegal,…

Senegal - Senegal will welcome a new commuter railway line on Monday, December 27 after waiting for the project's completion for the past five years. Once the TER regional express begins service, this transportation system…