Peace talk

Egypt makes surprise move against Hamas and Iran

An Egyptian delegation that arrived in the Gaza Strip on Monday urged Hamas terror group to defuse the tensions with Israel and voiced Cairo's concern over Hamas' ties with Iran and Lebanon's Hezbollah. According to…


Omar al-Bashir: Sudan agrees ex-president must face ICC

Sudan's rulers have agreed to hand over ex-President Omar al-Bashir to the International Criminal Court (ICC) to face genocide and war crimes charges. Bashir is accused of serious crimes in a conflict that broke out…


Child rapists shot by firing squad in Somalia

A firing squad has executed two men in north-eastern Somalia for raping and killing a 12-year-old girl. Aisha Ilyaas Aden was abducted, gang raped and killed near her home in Galkayo, in the semi-autonomous region…


It’s been 30 years since Nelson Mandela walked…

Tuesday February 11, 2020 marks 30 years since the late South African President Nelson Mandela was released from prison. Madiba, as he was affectionately called walked free to become South Africa’s first elected black president.…


Libya talks in Geneva end with no end…

Military officers from Libya’s UN-backed government, GNA, and representatives of the rival militia of warlord Khalifa Haftar, LNA, began meeting last week in Geneva in an UN-sponsored joint military commission aimed at achieving a lasting…


Ugandan envoy clashes with Trump top adviser

Ugandan diplomats are working round-the-clock to assess the damage from an exchange on Friday between the country’s envoy to Washington, D.C., Ambassador Sebujja Mull Katende and one of US President Donald Trump’s key advisers. Mr…


Gov Lalong mourns over demise of Senator Longjan

Plateau State Governor Simon Bako Lalong has expressed shock over the death of Senator Ignatius Longjan who died after a protracted illness. Governor Lalong in a statement signed by Director of Press Simon Makut described…

Middle East

Moroccans protest against U.S Middle East Peace Plan

Uproar in Morocco over U.S President Donald Trump’s plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Thousands of them took to the streets of the capital Rabat to oppose the controversial Middle East Plan. Sympathizers and trade…


Algerians rally for release of Left-wing party leader

Activists of the left-wing Workers’ Party in Algeria are demanding the release of Louisa Hanoune. They demonstrated in the town of Blida, about 45 kilometres south-west of the capital, where Hanoune and Said Bouteflika, the…


Masked men kidnap wealthy Mozambique businessman

Unidentified gunmen have kidnapped a wealthy businessman in the city of Chimoio in central Mozambique. An eyewitness told reporters that Issufo Satar, who owns a network of commercial establishments, was leaving one of the stores…


Cameroon votes under tension

Cameroon voted Sunday in polls overshadowed by a partial opposition boycott and separatist violence that has displaced hundreds of thousands of people. Elections for the central African country’s legislature and local councils are taking place…


We Want To Enforce The Use Of The…

Finance Minister in an interview with the Sunday Mail said the mono currency situation is here to stay and the government wants to enforce the use of the Zimbabwe Dollar and they will penalise those…