united nations and african union forge human rights pact amidst global concerns

United Nations and African Union Forge Human Rights…

The UN and AU collaborate on the Human Rights Pact. The recent seventh high-level meeting between the United Nations and the African Union in New York culminated in a pivotal collaboration. Secretary-General António Guterres and…

egyptian president calls for new strategies in resolving the israeli palestinian conflict

Egyptian President Calls for New Strategies in Resolving…

Al-Sissi's Stance on the Peace Process During a joint press conference with European leaders in Cairo, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi delivered a significant address, expressing deep concerns about the faltering Israeli-Palestinian peace process. His…

military leaders of niger and mali forge alliance amidst regional challenges

Military Leaders of Niger and Mali Forge Alliance…

Unifying Forces: Niger and Mali Military Leaders Converge A significant meeting between General Abdourahamane Tiani, the president of Niger's military regime, and Assimi Gota, the leader of Mali's military junta, marked a pivotal moment in…

tragedy strikes a village in western cameroon

Tragedy Strikes a Village in Western Cameroon as…

A Tragic Night in Egbekaw In the heart of the night, a horrifying attack unfolded in the village of Egbekaw, situated in the south-west region of western Cameroon. Around twenty people, including women and children,…

germany issues apology for colonial era killings in tanzania

Germany Issues Apology for Colonial-Era Killings in Tanzania

Acknowledging the Past In a historic move, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier issued a formal apology for the atrocities committed during Germany's colonial rule in Tanzania. His apology, delivered in Tanzania, marked a significant step toward…