COVID-19: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus In Self Isolation

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:17 am

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is in a self imposed quarantine after been in possible contact with a person who allegedly tested positive for the Covid-19.

In Ghebreyesus words he said “I have been distinguished as a contact of somebody who has tried positive for #COVID19. I am well and without side effects yet will self-isolate throughout the next few days, in accordance with @WHO conventions, and work from home,” he said on his official Twitter account.

“It is fundamentally significant that we as a whole follow wellbeing direction. This is the means by which we will break chains of #COVID19 transmission, stifle the infection, and secure wellbeing frameworks.

There’s no denying the fact of the impact of virus as it as claimed countless of lives and disrupted businesses. Major European countries such as France, Italy, Spain, UK and the likes has started another fresh lockdown in the wake of the second wave of the coronavirus.