
DR Congo ready to fight for COVID-19 – Ndungi

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 03:02 pm

The Democratic Republic of Congo, which has already been facing an Ebola epidemic for more than a year, is preparing to face the coronavirus.

Given the volume of its trade with China, one of its major economic partners, the country has invested in surveillance and screening.

The populations fearing the spread of this deadly virus have multiplied hygienic and protection measures.

“Surely it’s a disease that makes me sick because it kills. To protect myself, I still have some information. We have to wear the mask and also eat the garlic”, Theodore Wilson said.

For Son Kambembo “Coronavirus is a very deadly disease and I’m afraid of it. I find that with the diplomatic trips of our authorities from country to country. I am afraid that maybe through our authorities we might be infected.’‘

The Congolese health authorities have deployed various qualified personnel and placed equipments at airports and borders to detect potential cases of the virus.

Dr. Dédé Ndungi Ndungi is the coronavirus surveillance coordinator.

‘‘Inside there is a cell set up to track all travellers. Because as you know the incubation period is fourteen days but the average is six to seven days. So you have to follow so that even if they cross the border, they are healthy, but in case they develop the disease, we have to get hold of them’‘ Dr. Ndungi said.

On Monday, a second case was confirmed in Egypt while a first case of covid-19 was reported in Nigeria.

The Democratic Republic of Congo, which has over 84 million inhabitants, intends to repatriate its population residing in China and called on its citizens to postpone their trips to Asia.