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nigerian gang raids kill and kidnap dozens in the northern plateau

Nigerian gang raids kill and kidnap dozens in…

A series of raids in Plateau State, central Nigeria, resulted in the deaths of dozens of people and the abduction of many more. People on motorcycles with guns attacked at least four small communities near…

kenya plans to recover with a budget of 28 billion

Kenya plans to recover with a budget of…

Kenya's finance ministry announced the government's budget for the fiscal year 2022/23 on Thursday, with the goal of recovering the economy. The budget is still awaiting approval by Parliament. An estimated $28 billion budget from…

a boat sinks on the blue nile in sudan with 23 people believed dead

A boat sinks on the Blue Nile in…

According to the state-run SUNA news agency, 29 people were on board when the ship overturned and sank near Sennar province's southeast. Sudanese authorities announced Monday that a boat capsized on the Blue Nile, killing…

a war refugee from cameroon wants to be treated like a ukrainian in the us

A war refugee from Cameroon wants to be…

President Joe Biden said in March that the United States would welcome 100,000 Ukrainian refugees while also awarding Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to another 30,000 already in the country. However, while Ukrainians who flee the…

sahrc seeks ramaphosa testimony in july civil riots

SAHRC Seeks Ramaphosa Testimony in July Civil Riots

After listening to five weeks of testimonies over the July unrest that rocked South Africa, the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) has now got South African President Cyril Ramaphosa to testify. Various other oral…

malis fighting has killed a total of more than 400 people

Mali’s fighting has killed a total of more…

Thousands of people have sought safety in neighbouring Niger as a result of violence in northern Mali, according to the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). As the UN says, security sources…

general abdel fattah al burhan of sudan is in cairo for an official visit

General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan of Sudan is in…

According to state television, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhane, who has been in control in Sudan since a coup on October 25, began his first official journey to Cairo on Wednesday, where he met with Egyptian…