Mixed Emotions At Magufuli’s Inauguration

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:16 am

It was a day mixed emotion for the citizens of Tanzania, as some were happy while others were unsure of the political capabilities of President John Magufuli. President Magufuli was sworn in yesterday, for a second term in office. The inauguration had mixed reaction amongst the citizen of the country.

Omary Masito, a Tanzanian resident, is confident, “We anticipate that him should satisfy each one of those guarantees he gave. We confide in him. I figure he did well in his initial term, he figured out how to satisfy the greater part of his guarantees, barely any activities are forthcoming. ”

Police and armed force security was tight in front of the swearing considering the still tense and unpredictable political atmosphere.

The citizens of Tanzania will be hoping that this re-election marks a new age the the political history of the country as a whole. There’s been recent doubt about the political capability of President John Magufuli because of some political issues that are yet to be resolved.