
Parliament In DRC Votes Set To Impeached Speaker

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:12 am

The Democratic Republic of Congo parliament has voted to impeached the National Assembly speaker, Jeanine Mabunda. This is due to a political dispute in the country.

After parliament turned into a scene of fights between MPS this week, they casted a ballot for a request to drive out the National Assembly’s favorable to Kabila speaker, Jeanine Mabunda.

The appeal was dispatched by Tshisekedi supporters after the president reported on Sunday that he would try to manufacture another alliance inside the FCC, which controls 300 of 500 seats in parliament, or would somehow break up the get together.

The alliance, shaped in 2018 after Tshisekedi’s political decision, has kept the president from passing truly necessary changes.

Virtually all the law makers in the country has voted to impeach the speaker, this is still being discussed extensively.