
Pierre Buyoya Resigns From AU Post

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:14 am

Pierre Buyoya has quit his African Union Special Envoy Role, Buyoya told a media outlet about him resigning, Buyoya has had a rough last due to allegations of his involvement in the assassination of his predecessor.

Buyoya was condemned to life detainment in his nation in October for the 1993 death of his archetype Melchior Ndadaye.

He impugns a “political preliminary” and said he would bid the decision.

A senior AU official told AFP on state of obscurity that ‘Mr. Buyoya surrendered in light of the fact that he needs to “commit all his time and energy to his safeguard and needs to stay away from a circumstance in the AU that would get humiliating for a part state.”