South Africa Mourns The Death Of Would-Be First ‘Afronaut’

South Africa is mourning the death of Mandla Maseko, the man who had his eyes set on becoming the first black African to go into space.

The 30-year-old died in a motorcycle crash in Pretoria over the weekend, according to a family statement reported by local media.

Maseko became an inspiration to many South Africans when he won an international competition to get a training place at the Axe Apollo Space Academy – and a possible space flight.

I was inspired by (Nelson) Mandela because he broke new ground. Him being the first black president in South Africa at the time that our country was in, it was a massive thing. So for an ordinary person to do extraordinary things, that to me was an inspiration enough

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From more than one million entrants, he was selected to be one of 23 civilians to compete for a seat onboard a sub-orbital flight, 100 kilometres above the Earth.

Maseko, who came from a poor township outside Pretoria, said that his role model was Nelson Mandela.

South Africa’s “Afronaut”, as the young man became known, spent a week in training at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida in 2015.

Although the actual space flight didn’t take place in the end, Maseko was still trying.

The part-time disc jockey was a candidate officer in the air force, according to South Africa’s Eye Witness News.