strong passwords are important to keep hackers at bay four tips on creating one

Strong Passwords Are Important To Keep Hackers At Bay. Four Tips On Creating One

Unauthorised access remains a major risk for anyone who uses a computer or high-tech devices such as tablets or smartphones. The consequences for victims could include the loss of bank account information, money or even identity theft.

Such break-ins could also result in loss of valuable presentations, emails and music. Moreover, unauthorised users may even try to use someone else’s devices to break the law, which could put the victim in serious legal trouble. A strong password can keep unwanted intrusion at bay.

Crafty and unique passwords better safeguard personal information from hackers. A password that is difficult to guess makes it difficult for intruders to break in, forcing them to look for another target. The more difficult the password, the lower the likelihood of fraud.

But creating and recalling strong passwords can be challenging, especially with multiple accounts. Here are four tips for better clarity.

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Top Tips To Craft A Robust Password

1. Password Manager

These tools generate, store and fill in passwords, requiring just one master password for access. Password managers such as Dashlane, Keeper, 1Password and Bitwarden help generate strong and unique passwords as well as alert you to any compromises.

2. Avoid Personal Details

Steer clear of names, birthdays, phone numbers or any other easily accessible personal information. Hackers can take advantage of these details to guess passwords or answer security questions. Avoid using words related to the website or service.

3. Length, Uniqueness And Memorability

A password of at least 12 characters is better. Avoid common patterns, such as “1234” or “password”, and craft a memorable phrase or use meaningful words. Enhance complexity by incorporating numbers, capital letters and symbols in the password.

4. Security

Keep your password safe by not writing it down or sharing it unless necessary. Refrain from using the same password across multiple accounts to reduce potential damage. Regularly change passwords and immediately choose a new one if you suspect compromises.