
UK government warns of extension of Farmajo’s term

There is growing international pressure on the outgoing Somali government to hold credible elections and to provide an environment conducive to the implementation of the agreement reached on September 17 last year. At the moment,…

US Secretary Anthony Blinken

US Secretary of State J. Blinken has called…

A statement from Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said it was important for the Somali government to hold by-elections on time. Blinken emphasized the need to hold elections as soon as possible without delay. The…

UN Security Council

UN Security Council issues statement on Somalia election…

The United Nations Security Council has called on Somali leaders to resume talks immediately to prepare for new elections, hoping to resolve electoral disputes and resolve the country's political crisis. The Security Council recommended that…

NEWS: Voting Peacefully in Tense Ivory Coast Elections

Theres has been somewhat of sanity in the presidential election in Ivory Coast, as citizens casted their vote in peace not minding the concerns of political analyst over violence in today's election. The vote has…

Politics: Big Support For Youth In Ivory Coast

Violence in Ivory Coast has indirectly affected forthcoming presidential election which as casted doubt amongst the citizen of the country. The youths of Ivory coast has once again reiterated their desire for good governance. Youth…

African Election

ECOWAS affirms election of Guinea-Bissau president

Months after Guinea-Bissau’s disputed presidential election, leaders in the West Africa bloc, ECOWAS, have acknowledged the victory of Umaro Sissoco Embalo. In a statement released on Tuesday, the Economic Community of West African States said…


Malawi: MEC Plans July Vote Despite Coronavirus fears

Malawi's Electoral Commission (MEC) says it is pushing ahead with voter registration for July’s presidential election re-run, despite a government-ordered suspension because of the coronavirus. Malawi has so far eight confirmed cases of the virus…