Mali 's largest prison keeps coronavirus in check as outbreak threatens crowded prisons

NEWS: Mali ‘s largest prison keeps coronavirus in…

Mali's largest reformatory is a squalid and overcrowded colonial-era throwback that in concept is an open invitation to coronavirus. Instead, staff at Bamako Central Prison say that so a long way they've kept the dreaded…

Malians once again take to the streets of Barnarko to protest President Keita

NEWS: Malians once again take to the streets…

Thousands of human beings proven again on Tuesday in Mali's capital Bamako, traumatic the resignation of President Ibrahim Boubacar KeĂŻta, who got here to electricity in 2013. Protesters not noted calls from the Economic Unity…

Mali Appoints 9 New Judges as an Attempt to End Political Crisis

NEWS: Mali Assign Judges as an Attempt to…

Steps to Political Compromise Nine new judges were sworn in Monday at Mali's Constitutional Court in the capital city of Bamako. The ceremony was once attended by way of the President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, diplomats…

African summit ends with no deal on Mali political crisis

African summit ends with no deal on Mali…

West African leaders ended a day-long summit in Mali on Thursday without a deal to soothe the country’s escalating political crisis. Five of the region’s leaders met Mali President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita and leaders of…

ECOWAS declares impasse in Mali on power sharing

NEWS: ECOWAS declares impasse in Mali on power…

ECPWAS mediators seeking to address the political crisis in Mali have introduced a power-sharing government and a new constitutional tribunal. In their latest attempt to ease tensions, the Ecowas delegation held a marathon weekend of…

Former Nigerian president named special envoy to Mali

Former Nigerian president named special envoy to Mali

Former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has been appointed by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) as a special envoy to head its mediation mission in Mali, a report said Tuesday. “Given your position…

Mali protest leader calls for calm after demonstrations turn deadly

Mali protest leader calls for calm after demonstrations…

A Malian protest leader called for calm Sunday after four more people were killed during demonstrations calling for President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita's resignation, the West African country's worst civil unrest in years. Bloody demonstrations rocked…

Mali president calls for dialogue amid crippling protests

NEWS: Mali president calls for dialogue amid crippling…

Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita went on national television early Saturday, urging dialogue with his opponents just hours after thousands of anti-government protesters marched through the capital with some pushing their way into state television…

OIC condemns terrorist attacks in Somalia, Mali

NEWS: OIC condemns terrorist attacks in Somalia, Mali

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) general secretariat strongly condemned a suicide attack in Mogadishu and a terrorist bombing in Baidoa in Somalia that resulted in deaths and injuries, the Saudi Press Agency reported. The…