
NEWS: Rebels In Central African Republic Take Up…

Rebels in Central African Republic has taken hold of major cities in the country, this is coming after President Touadera insisted on holding the presidential and parliamentary election on December 27. The United Nations (UN)…

Affi N’Guessan Arrested In Ivory Coast

Opposition leader Pascal Affi N'Guessan has been arrested by security officials, Affi N'Guessan is said to have connived with other opposition leaders to boycott the elections and cause chaos amongst citizen. Security powers have barricaded…

Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo on an ECOWAS Mission in Mali

NEWS: President Nana Akufo-Addo Of Ghana On An…

President Nana Akufo-Addo, of Ghana who is additionally the modern-day President of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is on a mission of the 15 nation-bloc in Bamako, Mali. He was once acquired by…

Mali's sanctions may take longer than expected to be lifted

NEWS: Mali’s sanctions set to take longer than…

It was hoped the Sunday appointment of Mali's new civilian prime minister, Moctar Ouane, should elevate sanctions imposed by neighbouring countries. ECOWAS imposed sanctions on Mali soon after the junta led August 18 coup and…

Mali: The NCSP Junta Awaits a Response on Sanctions from ECOWAS

Mali: The NCSP Junta Awaits a Response on…

The Malian National Committee for the Salvation of the People(NCSP) awaits a response from the Economic Community of West African States leaders (ECOWAS) after junta head, Colonel Assimi Goita, made a public appeal on Tuesday…

Somalia appoints new PM, postpones the "One man, one vote model"

NEWS: Somalia appoints new PM, postpones the model…

Somalia's President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed has appointed Mohamed Hussein Roble as the country's new Prime Minister. Roble, a newcomer to Somalian politics will have to fill the vacancy left by means of the former PM…