terrorist group plotting to kill top leaders says somalias intelligence agency

Terrorist Group Plotting To Kill Top Leaders, Says Somalia’s Intelligence Agency

The National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) of Somalia said that the al Shabaab group linked to al Qaeda plans to target Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed and Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble.

Somalia’s spy agency warned on Tuesday on Twitter. NISA wrote on Twitter, “We informed the key government officials of a plot in which al Shabaab mafia wants to target the president and prime minister.” NISA also said that the Islamist group’s Mohamed Mahir is conducting the plot. NISA gave no further details on the alleged plot. However, the officials had been informed.

The al Shabaab group

The al Shabaab group conducted a series of recent deadly attacks on government officials and installations. In February, it attacked election delegates in the capital, Mogadishu. It also attacked several police stations and checkpoints in the capital, killing five people.

The group also conducted an attack on March 23 on Mogadishu’s international airport that left six people dead. Last month, the group killed 48 people in Beledweyne including traders, clerics, officials and civilians. Amina Mohamed Abdi, a vocal critic of the government, was also killed. Reportedly, during a memorial for Abdi, Prime Minister Roble said his life was in danger. He alleged Abdi’s killing was politically motivated and said he received threats on his own life.

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Mohamed, popularly known as Farmaajo, and Prime Minister Roble have been at odds over Somalia’s election process. The election was scheduled to take place a year ago. It was supposed to be completed before President Mohamed’s term expired in February 2021. The President reportedly tried to extend his rule by decree but faced protests and violent opposition in Mogadishu. The opposition fought in the streets against this decision. They also opened fire in the streets of Mogadishu. In recent months, a bitter rivalry between the Prime Minister and the President derailed the election.