The World: Over 400,000 Coronavirus Fatalities In South America

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:17 am

There has been over 400,000 Covid-19 related death in the South America since the inception of the coronavirus.

So far the country with the highest cases has been Brazil, the country averages over 5,000 death at the beginning of the virus. The fatalities so far so far as heightened reaching 20,000 cases in the wake of the second wave.

Europe has been the worst hit continent followed by the South America. Other South American that has been massively hit by the virus are Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and North America countries like USA, Mexico and Cuba.

Government authorities in major South America countries, hasn’t yet Officially declared a lockdown. But in the wake of the second wave, a lockdown is a possibility.