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UAE Mediation Efforts Help In Exchange Of 180 Captives Between Russia And Ukraine

The ministry of foreign affairs of the United Arab Emirates revealed that the country has successfully helped Russia and Ukraine exchange 180 war captives. This is the fifth time the UAE has mediated an exchange this year using its strong diplomatic relationships with other countries t

o act as a trusted mediator. The ministry also stated that UAE is dedicated to continuing efforts aimed at finding a peaceful solution to conflicts and focusing on the importance of restoring dialogue, diplomacy,  and de-escalation as the major ways to resolve the conflict and address its humanitarian impacts.

UAE efforts have also earlier led to prisoner exchange between the 2 nations.

As per the statement from the Russian Defence Ministry released before the Emirati announcement, both countries—Russia and Ukraine—received 90 prisoners each. The UAE has previously facilitated at least five prisoner exchanges between Russia and Ukraine. The most recent exchange happened in late May of this year. The UAE has successfully mediated four exchanges of war captives between Ukraine and Russia this year. UAE has also facilitated a prisoner exchange between Russia and the United States in December 2022.

Official Statements by UAE, Russia, and Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the UAE stated that the latest mediation, the fifth one since the beginning of 2024, is “a result of the UAE using its distinct ties and partnership with both the countries, including its role as a reliable mediator between the countries.”According to the statement from the Russian Defence Ministry, which was released prior to the Emirati announcement, both Russia and Ukraine received 90 prisoners each.Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the president of Ukraine, also officially confirmed the swap of 180 captives between both countries.

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The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its gratitude to the governments of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine for their cooperation to make the exchange process of 180 captives a successful one. The Ministry, while highlighting the successful exchange of captives between both countries, also affirmed the commitment of the UAE to continue efforts aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the conflict, highlighting the significance of restoring dialogue, de-escalation, and diplomacy as the only ways to resolve any conflict and managing the humanitarian repercussions, which are the results of conflicts. Owing to good strategic relations with each country, the UAE has been a reliable mediator in such situations. The mediation efforts of the UAE at the beginning of this year were successful, as there were four successful exchanges between Russia and Ukraine. The UAE has established itself as an impartial mediator, working to promote dialogue and reduce tensions between Russia and Ukraine during their ongoing war.