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UAE Re-echoes Support for Sudan Peace Moves as Humanitarian Situation Deteriorates

Writing to The Economist, Her Excellency Lana Nusseibeh, Assistant Minister for Political Affairs at the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs, outlined the UAE’s unshaken commitment toward the peace process in Sudan. The letter underlined the country’s active role in recent peace negotiations, held in Switzerland, marshaling efforts toward the establishment of humanitarian-aid routes and commitments toward civilian protection.

Whereas humanitarian crises worsen in Sudan, the UAE still calls for increased diplomatic efforts, taking into consideration special protection of the most vulnerable women and children. HE Nusseibeh’s letter said the UAE will protect civilians, including protection from sexual violence, while also considering the perspective of Sudanese women in efforts of peacebuilding.

Contrary to accusations, HE Nusseibeh said, “The UAE is not providing weapons or supporting any warring faction in Sudan.” The UAE’s engagement has focused on facilitating peaceful negotiations with the hope of reaching a comprehensive nationwide ceasefire. Their approach in pursuing such a settlement is therefore deeply informed by the conviction that peace can only be achieved by negotiated settlement, that restores Sudan to a civilian-led government, with humanitarian aid and global cooperation.

In the letter, HE Nusseibeh called out the urgent need for unified international efforts toward the alleviation of humanitarian suffering among Sudanese civilians. The UAE has been at the forefront in keeping the Declaration of Jeddah-high on the agenda, which focuses on a ceasefire and humanitarian access, once again a manifestation of the constructive role that the UAE continues to play in the building of peace.

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The UAE called on the international community to act quickly, “This humanitarian crisis in Sudan is intolerable.” In this respect, the international community’s attention has to be channeled into ensuring an end to hostilities, thereby enabling the peace process to forge ahead with the aim of a transition to peace and stability in Sudan.

It goes without saying that the people of Sudan deserve undistracted attention from the world and their plight should not go unseen. The UAE is resolute in pursuit of ensuring that the protection of Sudanese civilians, particularly women and children, remains at the core of efforts toward peace.