
The World: 822 New Casualties Recorded In Italy

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:14 am

The health ministry in Italy on Thursday reported over 800 deaths in the country, this is quite alarming due to the fact that it’s the highest casualties in the last three months. Italy has been one of the worst hit countries by the coronavirus.

As indicated by the most recent Health Ministry information, the nation enlisted 29,003 extra contaminations in the previous 24 hours, up 12% from a day prior to, arriving at an aggregate of 1,509,875 since the beginning of the episode. 

With Thursday’s every day fatalities, the public loss of life rose to 52,850, the second-most noteworthy in Europe after the UK. 

However, the disease rate remained at around 12%, somewhat up from a day prior – still far lower than the tops at over 17% seen fourteen days back.

As the world patiently wait for the development of an endosed vaccine that will put an end to this menace. Most European countries lockdown will end in December.