the 3rd turkey africa partnership summit aims to take ties to new levels

The 3rd Turkey-Africa Partnership Summit aims to take…

Africa - The third Turkey-Africa Partnership Summit is now taking place in Istanbul under the auspices of the Turkish Republic's Presidency. The two-day conference follows a high-level business roundtable on investment and trade that took…

innovation the only ray of hope at the time of war in ethiopia

Innovation- the only ray of hope at the…

Ethiopia - Over a month has passed since the Ethiopian government announced national energy all over the nation after Tigrayan forces marched to the capital threatening the position of the government. This led to civilians…

violence between farmers and herders kills at least 22 in northern cameroon

Inter-ethnic conflict leaves 22 dead and 30 injured…

Northern Cameroon- Cameroonians are continuing to flee the northern town of Kousseri, seeking asylum in neighboring Chad, following intercommunal confrontations that left 22 people dead and nearly 30 injured, according to the Office of the…

kenya raila odinga to launch the fifth bid for the top job with presidents backing 2

Kenya: Raila Odinga to launch the fifth bid…

Kenya - Former Prime Minister of Kenya, Raila Odinga launches his fifth bid for the presidency on Friday. President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta is supporting him this time. Voters in East Africa's biggest economy are…

redistribution of land becomes main focus of south african government

Redistribution of Land Becomes Main Focus of South…

South Africa - Government in South Africa is now planning to turn to alternative legislation to redistribute land. This has been confirmed by the South African Minister of Justice and Correctional Services Ronald Lamola who…

in uganda river blindness is on the increase

In Uganda, river blindness is on the increase

Uganda - Jessica Ata hasn't visited the River Aswa since being diagnosed with river blindness in 2014. Onchocerciasis, which is transmitted by the blackfly, affected 1.5 million individuals in Uganda at the time. The vector…

presidents of kenya and south africa urge for african peace

Presidents of Kenya and South Africa urge for…

Kenya - Presidents Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya and Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa have urged more cooperation to restore peace to Africa's conflict-ridden regions. Kenyatta's two-day state visit to South Africa began with this statement.…

the ancs historic losses usher in a new era in south african politics

The ANC’s historic losses usher in a new…

South Africa - On Thursday, a majority of South African voters turned against the ruling African National Congress for the first time in the democratic era. The ANC received 46% of national votes, a decrease…

in eastern dr congo a rebel group attacks security forces

In eastern DR Congo, a rebel group attacks…

Congo - Early Wednesday, a group of rebels attacked various areas in Bukavu, the capital of South Kivu province in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, including army and police positions. This has been confirmed…