the relationship between the united states and somalia has improved since president hassan sheikh mohamud returned

The relationship between the United States and Somalia…

According to US military and intelligence officials, the US has been collaborating with Somali forces to constrain al-Shabab, al-Qaeda's most powerful ally. In exchange for cease-fire fighting, former US President Donald Trump has ordered the…

odinga picks martha karua as his running mate in kenyas presidential election

Odinga picks Martha Karua as his running mate…

Raila Odiga, a presidential candidate for the Azimio Laumoja party in Kenya, made the announcement on Monday that he had selected Martha Karua to serve as his running partner. On Monday, Raila Odinga announced at…

nigerian gang raids kill and kidnap dozens in the northern plateau

Nigerian gang raids kill and kidnap dozens in…

A series of raids in Plateau State, central Nigeria, resulted in the deaths of dozens of people and the abduction of many more. People on motorcycles with guns attacked at least four small communities near…

kenya plans to recover with a budget of 28 billion

Kenya plans to recover with a budget of…

Kenya's finance ministry announced the government's budget for the fiscal year 2022/23 on Thursday, with the goal of recovering the economy. The budget is still awaiting approval by Parliament. An estimated $28 billion budget from…