israel morocco finalise defense deal

Israel-Morocco finalise defense deal

Last updated on November 27th, 2021 at 06:43 am

 Israel Israel – Israel and Morocco have started to engage in bettering their diplomatic ties with the recent step being a defense deal with each other. It is a landmark agreement between the two countries that made their ties recently.

On Wednesday, the two came together to lay a strong foundation for each other when it comes to security and cooperation. They will henceforth be sharing intelligence information and will also be tied up for future arms sales.

The decision was taken after the visit of the Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz to Morocco last year where they mutually worked on a memorandum of understanding and came up with ways to help each other prosper regionally as well as internationally.

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The formal relations between the two were established last year as a part of the US-brokered deal under Abraham Accords. This is the first time Gantz visited Israel, also making it the first time an Israeli official visited Morocco. As per the statement that Ghanz gave after the meeting, this deal “will allow us to exchange ideas, enter joint projects and enable Israeli military exports here.” The agreement formally came into existence after a meeting between Gantz and his Moroccan counterpart, Abdellatif Loudiyi, in Rabat.