2 day summit of african union to raise issues of coups covid

2-day summit of African Union to raise issues of coups, Covid

Last updated on February 6th, 2022 at 11:15 am

The Past two years have been the toughest years in the history of the African region. Covid-19 pandemic was definitely one of the reasons but other than that, repeated attempts to remove the administrative power was even more threatening.

Hence the heads of the states gathered at the headquarters of the African Union to start a two day summit where they will reportedly discuss these issues. The region fighting the pandemic while also dealing with the economic loss is a huge topic of discussion which is being stressed by most of the officials.

Other than that, Ethiopia is another topic of discussion in the forum. The summit will also focus on this matter as the international communities are now pressuring the 55-member bloc to take a call or suggest possible outcomes of the Ethiopian crisis in the shortest span possible.

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Ethiopia has been having its worst nightmare for 15 months where it saw thousands of people getting killed due to internal conflicts. The remaining population is also not living in their best state while many others are at the brink of starvation.

But before the meet up, it was made clear that these discussions will not involve four member states which were suspended by the AU’s Peace and Security Council last year for unconstitutional changes in the country’s governments. The most recent one was when President Roch Marc Christian Kabore was ousted by the military last month.

Talking about the military coup that has gripped many of the African nation, the AU Commission chair Moussa Faki Mahamat said that there is a “worrying resurgence of military coups”. However, one can also not neglect the fact that the summit was long overdue but the Union has been laid back in addressing these issues. AU has also been accused of showing inconsistency especially after failing to suspend Chad after a military council took over post the death of President Idriss Deby Itno on the battlefield last April.