no aid for sudan till us gets assurance of a civilian government

No aid for Sudan till US gets assurance of a civilian government

Last updated on January 23rd, 2022 at 01:52 pm

Washinton has officially announced that it will not be providing any aid to Sudan as it has still not decided on who will finally be running the government in the country.

Earlier there were reports that the military and the elected officials were deciding on whether there should be a 50-50 take on the country’s leadership or should one party get a complete authority. Even the United States tried to intervene in the matter but was in vain.

The statement was reaffirmed by the US Embassy in Khartoum where it was confirmed that till a civilian-led government is restored, there is no way the Biden administration will be providing any aid to the struggling country.

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The military coup has led to mass violence which further resulted in disruption of peace in the country. Civilians are on streets to fight a battle for democracy and reinstate the civilian form of government and in that process, their safety has been compromised and many deaths have taken place.

US Assistant Secretary of State Molly Phee and Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa David Satterfield took the call after meeting with the families of those who were either killed or injured during the protests in the country.

The people have rejected the military coup but the military leaders are forcefully carrying out a show of power to show their supremacy. The only thing the diplomats could assure the families who have been struggling with the military force was that there are efforts being made to ensure national dialogue. They were “offered their commitment to inclusive national dialogue, the political transition, and the establishment of a civilian-led government based upon consensus.”