
Tanzania: Tundu Lissu Back In Belgium In Exile

Popular Resistance leader Tundu Lissu in Tanzania has been sent to exile in Belgium due to the political unrest in the country. His followers has caused great mischief in the country, which as seen him…

Mixed Emotions At Magufuli’s Inauguration

It was a day mixed emotion for the citizens of Tanzania, as some were happy while others were unsure of the political capabilities of President John Magufuli. President Magufuli was sworn in yesterday, for a…

Tanzania: President John Magufuli wins Election For A…

President John Magufuli has been re-elected as the president of Tanzania for a second term. Magufuli pulled a landslide victory against every opposition possible. President Magufuli has been undoubtedly been the utmost favourite for the…

Elections: Voting Commences In Tanzania

The general election has finally come in Tanzania, as citizens of all over the country begins to cast their vote in the various electoral position, particularly the presidential position of the country. On the semi-self-governing…

Seven Reportedly Killed In Tanzania

Seven opposition supporters has been reportedly killed by armed forces in Tanzania, due to the ongoing protest the country especially from the opposition, the security forces allegedly shot at protestors. The ACT Wazalendo party on…

Leader of the opposition in the Tanzanian presidential race cries sabotage

NEWS: Leader of the opposition in Tanzanian presidential…

Only simply lower back in Tanzania after a three-year scientific stay in Belgium following an assassination attempt, presidential candidate hopeful and one of the foremost opposition leaders to the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party, Tundu…

Tanzania: Lissu named main opposition candidate

Tanzania:Tundu Lissu named main opposition candidate

Tundu Lissu named as the main opposition candidate for presidential votes. Tanzania's main opposition, Chadema party on Tuesday unanimously approved Tundu Lissu 's candidacy for the October 28 general election after he won a party…